TOC #191: How to come up with 52 newsletter ideas FAST
(August 20, 2024) How to create a newsletter content plan
I don't know what to write about this week.
I have so many ideas, it's not even funny. I literally have 170+ newsletter concepts in my Notes app.
So much to say, so little time!
(But, somehow, nothing to say at all?)
I'm definitely not gonna talk about the boy, because I've yapped about him enough already, and it's gonna start getting weird.
I should probably write about website copy, cuz it's almost Site Series® season (well, for the people on the waitlist, at least... they're in for a treat tomorrow!).
Or maybe I should write about welcome sequences, because Showit finally launched theirs, and I wrote it, so I wanna brag about it, bc it's good.
Buuuut I've been wanting to book more website copy audits because I always have the best time, and I love reviewing copy, and it's such an easy win for my clients.
(It's also the only thing I always have availability for.)
(And it's about to be the only way I can help clients with website copy til 2025, once I fill this last website copy spot for 2024…)
Actually, the easiest win for my clients is always 1:1 strategy calls, because we can talk about anything - from email marketing to business to captions to websites.
OMG ORRRR maybe I should share something from my portfolio… but I haven't updated my portfolio in 84 years… even though I have like 15 new sick ass website copy projects to add…
I dunno though !!! I'm so torn !!!
It could be a good time to share my blog about 3 ways your business can work for you while you're offline, because there are lots of good tips in there, but… is that a little too summer? And summer's almost over?
So maybe I should share my tips about how to write better headlines? That always feels relevant. People write headlines a lot.
Or do they? Maybe they don't. nvm.
Maybe what they actually need help with is how to know if your email marketing is working? According to Google, the people are loving my email marketing content lately.
Actually, if we're talking Google stats, the Showit vs Squarespace debate is seriously up there. I finally rank #1 for that, and the traffic has been wild. Maybe we have a website builders moment today?
Eh, that doesn't feel relevant enough, though.
I should probably talk about becoming a freelance copywriter, since enrollment is open for my copywriter group mentorship program right now.
But my list isn't entirely made up of copywriters, so that's kinda stupid.
…and that, ladies and gentlecars, is what the inside of an ADHD entrepreneur brain looks like when you don't have a newsletter content plan.
So, let's talk about how to create one.
How to create a newsletter content plan
Blah blah blah, writing a weekly newsletter is hard, blah blah blah.
No it's not. You just need a plan.
Blah blah blah, Sara's newsletter is so long and I couldn't possibly write that much every week, blah blah blah.
You don't have to. You could write 3 sentences if you wanted. You just have to be consistent.
Blah blah blah, I have no idea what to write about, blah blah blah.
Yes, you do. Like I said, you just need a plan.
Here's what you're gonna do:
#1 — Make a list of everything you offer / want to promote / talk about. Consider all of your services and offerings and ways you help people.
Then, make a list of all the questions your clients and customers ask you (or things they bring up as objections, or things you wish they'd ask you).
#2 — Determine 4 main categories, based on the 2 big fat lists you just made.
Ex: if I had to choose my categories, they'd be: website copy, email marketing, copywriting tips, and life bullshit, which includes ADHD and motherhood and boyfriends and me complaining.]
#3 — Think of 13 SMALL things you could say about each of those 4 topics.
The reason I say small is because you don't want to run out of topics by being so broad. If my “website copy” topics were big things like “how to write a website” and “how to launch a website” I'd be out of things to say real quick.
…but if my website-related topics were small things like “how to write your homepage headline” and “3 personal details to add to your About page” I'm much more apt to have more to say for lots and lots of newsletters to come.
EXTRA CREDIT: think of a story you could combine each of those topics with, to make your newsletter a little more fun to read.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the topic of your newsletter does *not* have to be something cool or fun or exciting.
In fact, it's usually better when it's not. Most peoples' lives aren't cool or fun or exciting all the time. Most people have pretty boring days, compared to what we'd consider “exciting."
…which is why boring stories are much more relatable stories; stories people can actually connect with and understand better.
BORING stories are where it's at.
So don't put pressure on yourself to create anything too crazy.
All you need to do is figure out how to turn the *boring* moments into good stories. & lucky for you, we're going over that next week!
Planning your newsletter ahead of time is the easiest way to stay consistent — it's a little bit of work at the start of each month or quarter, for a LOT of stress saved later.
If you want to use the exact content planner *I* have been using to keep track of my own content for 2+ years now, I've linked it for ya in the cute lil button below. It's $29. And it saves my life on the regular.
If we haven’t had the chance to *virtually* meet yet, hi! I’m Sara Noel—website copywriter and marketing mentor for creatives, copywriters, and all-around cool people. If you like my content and you want even more BTL in your life, here are a few ways you can connect with me:
Subscribe to my newsletter! I send one marketing tip, once a week - and, according to my subscribers, it's "the best marketing newsletter on the Internet" and "the only reason to wake up on Tuesday mornings." So... yeah. You'll love 'er. 😏 Click here to subscribe!
Check out my services. I write website copy, sales pages, email sequences, blog posts, and brand messaging guides for entrepreneurs of all kinds! Maybe you’re my next favorite client.
Read my blog. It’s home to everything from copywriting tips, to marketing education, to freelance advice, to portfolio-worthy projects… if you like this post, you’ll love the blog. Here’s a quick roundup of my most popular posts.
Sign up for my email marketing course. Learn how to grow your email list full of loyal, ready-to-buy readers with this self-paced course teaching you how to write the best lead magnets, opt-in copy, welcome sequences, and newsletters.
Enlist me as your mentor. I have an entire in-depth blog post about my one-on-one consulting process for new and aspiring copywriters, if you’re interested in having a big-sis-style mentor to help you grow your freelance copywriting business & get results.
To get in touch with me directly, send me a DM or email Have a great day!