Focus on the good, so the good gets better
Money, mindset, and the luteal phase: how to deal with all of it (plus, everything I did to make money this week, the scary new tactic I'm trying, and an overview of my business investments)
When you focus on the good, the good gets better.
Read that again.
Now think about it: you know it’s true, don’t you?
I was stuck in absolute luteal phase HELL at the beginning of this week, and when I tell you I did not want to do ANYTHINGGGG, I’m not playing.
I contemplated giving up on my millionaire goal before I even started.
Selling felt like too much work.
Working felt like too much work.
This was my last week before my 2025 client work began, and all I wanted to do was savor my ample time to catch up on back-end tasks, edits, and little things.
The last thing I wanted to do was be a fuckin girl boss.
So, I was pissed.
And for the first time in a long time, I let myself be pissed. Consistently pissed. Pissed for a whole week.
Then, I started to get nervous.
My hairdresser told me she was on Lexapro “not for anxiety, but for being pissed all the time” (verbatim) and then I started questioning everything…
Until two pivotal moments happened back to back:
#1 — I saw a pin that said “focus on the good and the good gets better” and it really struck a chord with me, because I KNOW this to be true.
I’ve lived through many a sad girl era in my day, and I’m weirdly obsessed with neuroscience, so I am acutely aware of just how real this random little pin is.
I decided that I’d had enough of my bullshit, and that I was going to wake up the next morning and simply decide to focus on the good, instead of harping on the bad.
(The “bad” I was harping on were things like my son waking me up every night a million times, not feeling good in my body, feeling discouraged in the gym bc I used to be stronger and more fit, dealing with being both a single mom and recently single, etc)
#2 — I woke up that day and got my period.
Thank fuck.
The second the luteal phase exited my existence, I was a changed woman. Bless the shedding of my uterine walls.
Turns out, I was being a Negative Nancy Bitch because I was PMSing.
And, despite being 30 years old, I am just now experiencing those ~symptoms~ that make you wanna 🔪 before you 🩸 and it SUCKSSSSS
So, here’s your reminder that no feeling is final, your luteal phase will always end, and no matter what’s going on with your mind or your body, you owe it to yourself to at least TRY to push through by focusing on the good.
Now… LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY, considering I’ve finally received my personality back from the depths of uncreative unmotivated hell.
In this newsletter:
What I’m doing to make money this week
The scary new sales technique I’m trying
How I’m marketing my free class for my evergreen funnel
How to push through and still reach your goals even when you’re in luteal phase hell
Overview of business investments I want to make this year
Review of the business investments I made last year